We made it to Sturgis last night to see the bikes and the people. I took a couple pictures on my camera phone before it got too dark. We usually go up and walk up and down main street and Lazelle street, the two main streets through Sturgis. Main is only for the bikes so this is where I took pictures. There are tons of shops for 10 blocks up and back. It was pretty calm this year, but Daughtry was playing out at the Buffalo Chip Campground, which is like 5 miles out of town, so a lot of people were there. You will see a few kids in the bottom picture. These are locals. Very few bikers bring their kids, it's not the place for them to be. The locals (like us) will go out for the evening and just look around and see what is going on. It's okay to take kids to this type of activity because for the most part everyone is covered. I think we only saw 2 that had pasties on. Most of the ones that are scantily clad just want the attention. The rally is over on Sun. so our little area will go back to being quiet and slow. We're off to do errands today, so I better get moving.
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Saturday, August 11, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by lori
We have the same kind of events in Port Dover Ontario Fiday the 13th.No one wears skimpy clothing but its funny you have the motor cycle gangs right along side of the christen riders every one gets along beautifully .They provide a lot of police control but I have never heard of any problems .Most riders are very respectful.At least from what I can see as a outsider .
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Saturday, August 11, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by CountryQuilter
Looks like it would be fun! I'm sure you are glad it only happens once a year! Kristie
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Sunday, August 12, 2007 - Untitled Comment
Posted by Cre8tiveQuilter
Isn't it fun when they're in town? I've been very surprised at how into it I get when they're in Milwaukee for the Rally's...which of course I know is NOTHING like Sturgis.
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