I'm going to presume you don't know anything about Pay It Forward. Here are the rules...I will make a gift for the first three bloggers who leave me a comment wishing to participate. They in turn will need to make the same promise on their blog. I waited to post this until I received my PIF from Joan. You could do the same (except your gift will be from ME, not Joan...just clarifying).
The first 3 people to leave a comment asking to participate will receive a handmade gift from me within 365 days (most likely much less than that). Obviously you need to have a blog to participate.
I can't wait to Pay it Forward, so leave me a comment and let me know you want to participate!
What the hey! I will do it! Count me in!
Since I don't have a blog I can't participate in PIF but I sure love reading about them. You go girls!
Can I play, I love the idea of pay it forward. Me me me
I'll play along, too.
I'm a dork...I totally forgot to comment earlier.
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