I finally finished my first Miranda bag! I had so much trouble with the town purse that I was a bit afraid of making the Miranda, but much to my surprise and excitement this was one of the easiest bags to make. It's too big for a purse, but the perfect size for taking my stuff to work. I always take several bottles of water, a pop, my lunch, a book, and usually something quilty, so the size is perfect for being my new work bag.
I made the entire bottom of the bag on Thurs. night, but was really displeased with my choice of lining fabric as it didn't match. Since it was the faux binding on the upper edge, I wasn't sure what to do, so I took it to the Quilt Corral and asked the girls there and they agreed with my suggestion to fold it over and put a decorative stitch on the top. You can't see it in the picture, but it's just a wavy stitch and it looks really good with the stippling on the rest of the bag.
Friday night I had my jacket class. I finished the jacket, but didn't have a camera, so no pictures. I was done about a half hour early, so I made the handles and attached.
Sat. morning was Strip Club at QC2, so I took the bag as show and tell. The girls loved it and the Miranda pattern was one they featured as a new item.
I didn't realize until I went to put the flap on that I had put the handles on backwards, so I took them off and put them on the right way. I made a liner for the bag-e-bottom and the flap yesterday, so now the bag is completely finished. I have in mind to make a smaller version with the same fabrics, so we'll see how that turns out. I really need a new purse!