I had a bad experience at the fair when I went to enter my 8 quilts Thurs. night. The ladies questioned if I had made them, if I had quilted them myself, and made fun of the 8 I brought. They also asked if I worked. They were not nice ladies, so I went home that night and found 3 others to finish up and take to the fair on Friday to enter. I received 4 1st ribbons, 6 2nd ribbons, and 1 3rd. The 3rd I really knew I deserved as it was one of the earliest quilts I had done on the frame.
I did get to spend Friday night with friends sewing up a storm. I put the gray and brown borders on my Mocha quilt. I also made the backing for it, so it is ready to quilt when I have a chance.When I went to sew with the girls, I purposely took borders and backings to make, so I would get them done. I never seem to enjoy doing them in my sewing room, so it's easy to do them in a group setting. There is a lot more space and once they are cut, they are mindless sewing to put on.
Next on the list was the backing for my blush quilt. The tops been done for a long time, but I needed to make the backing. I got it put together and picked up bamboo batting for it. I think this will be my hospital quilt this year. I also worked on Ditto blocks and got them all done. I should be able to make that quilt up in the next week or so. It was a very productive night and I felt great about all I got accomplished!
This week, while I would have liked to quilt, I instead prepared for a sewing room tour of my sewing studio on Friday night. My room is the cleanest I have ever seen it.
I even found time after cleaning to make this batting crazy quilt using up some of my scrap batting. It has bamboo, 80/20, warm & natural, warm & white, and who knows what else it it. I'll load muslin on the frame and then use the batting as the center with more muslin on top, so the girls can practice using my quilt frame.
Finished this week:
Crown Royal Quilt - DONE!
Friendship Quilt - DONE!
Ongoing projects: (and progress this week on them)
Ditto quilt top sample - Blocks all sewn
Swoon - 2 Blocks done
Cre8tive Swap w/ Jen - All the HST's are prepped and I just need to spend some time sewing.
Sign Language Diaper Clutch
Quilts Needing Hand sewing on Binding
Pink/Brown Friendship Quilts -Handwork on binding
Buggy Barn Pink/Brown Extra Blocks -Binding
Barn Yard Friends Quilt -quilted and binding on - Did do about half of this one while waiting at the Dr. this week.
Completed tops awaiting quilting:
Blush Quilt - backing made!
Pink/Green Jungle Animal Baby Quilt - Need to make backing
Confetti Top - At the shop
Twisted Heart - At the shop
Merry Go Round - Back from the shop, need to add final two rows
Mocha Meringue Wonder Blocks- borders on - backing made
New Projects:
Barn Yard Diaper Clutch
No progress:
Ed's Crown Royal Quilt - Started sashing - Need to get a move on, he's getting married
Dilly Dally Baby Girl Quilt
This week's stats:
Completed projects -2
New projects -1
Currently in progress - 4
Finished this year - 45 , 11 Samples
So sorry that you had a bad experience at the fair. Sometimes I wonder if they want the younger generation to become quilters with attitudes like that! Congrats on the ribbons. Your quilts are always beautiful.
Goodness you are still a project finishing queen.. Love all your projects.. Hoping to get back to mine.
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