Tuesday night was my only night home sewing this week, so I finished up the Good Night Irene quilt top. It's going to be a sample, but is made from all of my scraps.

My co-worker Steve was in Oregon a few weeks ago and bought me this bag at the quilt shop. His niece works there. It's so cool that he knew I would love it.

I'm working on the Dangerous BOM with Gudrun Erla's facebook group and these are my first two blocks. The next one comes out on Tuesday. I love how these use up so much of my stash/ scraps but are cut small at 1.5" pieces, so I can use some of the smaller scraps.

Last week in the hustle to get ready for the family reunion, I realized I hadn't made the baby blankets for the two new cousins. Louella and Sloane both got new baby minkee blankets.

The decking is slowly progressing, but at least we can walk on it and run/play.

On our trip to CO, I got to have supper with my good friend/former co-worker Pat in Loveland. We had such a nice quick visit, but it was oh so good to see her.

We've had so many fun adventures this month and they will continue next month, so not much sewing will be happening; however, camping vacation is coming and I plan to sew at least a little bit each day. Mikaela even got a couple of pieces to sew while we are on vacation too.