This was originally to be the top and bottom borders. There are no side borders, just a thin strip and then a widered scalloped top.
But the more I looked at it, I like this combination better. When I cut it out I wasn't really thinking and it was quite some time after I had bought the fabric and I bought more than I needed, so I had trouble remember where it was supposed to go in order. So maybe this would be better, but I still needed it bigger. I'm increasing it from 41"x59" to twin size.
So I picked up a couple more fabrics that I hadn't seen before, and more of the red paisley and red flowers, thinking I could add another two to four rounds. The top fabric is the backing, but have plenty, so I could put it in another row on the front.
So I layed it out to see how it would look. What do you think? I'm not crazy about it and I would like to change it up somehow but I'm not sure. I was originally thinking I would just add an 8.5" round, 9.5" round, 10.5" round, and 11.5" round, but then I got to figuring it in my head and it's going to be like 80" wide which is way too wide for a twin quilt. I was hoping to get it about 72"x85-90". My other thought was to do 4 additional rounds, but keep them all at 7.5". What order would you put the additional 4 rounds in? or would you just do two rounds? Which fabrics would you use?
I really would like some opinions since I'm struggling with this quilt.
I have a feeling I'll be doing a baby quilt just like this with the leftovers since I love this fabric so much.
Just love your fabrics...
I don't know, but I LOVE this fabric!!
You can add bigger strips, or keep them 7.5, I don't think it matters, just as long as you're happy with the size and looks. Some things I thought of, though, were if you want to keep it like a giant log cabin, you could make it square and have it sit like a diamond on the bed instead of the normal way we put quilts, or you could think of it as one giant quilt square, setting it on point and adding setting triangles that would make it twin size. Or just add strips to the top and bottom to make it the length you need. You probably have this already figured out, but just thought I'd share my ideas.
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